Who sets the standard for philanthropic “success”? And who is accountable to whom for that success (or lack of success)? Hard questions to answer for everyone involved in philanthropy, as givers, receivers, partners or critics. But more people are asking them now. I notice thoughtful public conversations happening about “being accountable” in the philanthropic sector. Two recent reflections on this topic really got me thinking about the differences in the understanding of “being accountable”... by whom to who and for what?
Being accountable means taking up or accepting responsibility to oneself and others. Being accountable also means being able to control or manage what you are doing. Not necessarily the same thing. Nancy Pole has a thoughtful article in The Philanthropist Journal on measuring and accounting for “success” in the nonprofit sector. She makes the point, rightly, that accountability in the minds of funders and fund recipients has been equated with control and with risk management. This is particularly true of government funders but has also been true of private philanthropic funders. The accountability goes from fund recipients back to funders. It puts the emphasis on the control of the funds awarded, not necessarily on the purposes and uses of those funds. Evaluations focus on measurement and management of performance rather than on stories of challenges, innovations and unexpected outcomes. In this situation, there are few incentives for accountability around innovation and around impacts on community or beneficiaries, beyond specific and quantifiable results. Fund recipients have every reason to prove to funders that they can get the results wanted by the funders, and little reason to show funders that they are learning and experimenting (along with or even instead of achieving targets).
Hopefully, the accountability conversation is changing. Pole notes examples from Ontario and Quebec of initiatives that feature more flexible approaches to assessing the value of philanthropic actions. These broaden the understanding of accountability to include funders in a system that holds funders accountable to their community partners. This mutual accountability can take the form of exchange: partners sharing information about their outcomes, and funders sharing grants data and aggregated outcomes, building shared knowledge about “what works”. Foundations have a trove of information, especially if they have been around for years and have made many grants. They can use this information for accountability to others…here is what we are learning… as well as for their self-accountability…how are we doing?
The more you consider philanthropic accountability, the more you see that it is not a simple act of accounting. It is a more nuanced action of “giving account”. Funders are accountable to regulators as registered public benefit entities. As organizations they are accountable to their boards and donors. As supporters they have a moral accountability to their partners. As social change agents, they should give account of their goals and strategies to the public more broadly. And as learners, they can give account to others in, as Pole puts it, “a collective undertaking of understanding, sharing and communicating our real successes and failures”.
Accountability came up again in a podcast conversation between Senator Ratna Omidvar and Liban Abokor, one of the founders of the Foundation for Black Communities. They discuss the question of how foundations as public benefit organizations can be held more accountable for their responsibility, or “duty of care” to Canadians. Abokor suggests the need for a mechanism for philanthropic accountability mandated by government. He says that such a mechanism would measure whether foundation boards “are making the right judgments and disbursements on our capital”, arguing that tax exemptions and tax incentives to donors for gifts to foundations mean that the capital of a foundation should be considered public wealth. Abokor believes that a “useful, relevant and impactful accountability mechanism has to be introduced to Canadian philanthropy…that will ensure…that we’re always thinking about who we’re giving to and how that giving is having an impact.” While Abokor did not have time in the conversation to elaborate on why he thinks a new mechanism is needed to mandate accountability, he is clearly impatient with the lack of urgency across the philanthropic sector to assume a broader accountability for creating public benefit.
Foundations that are registered charities report their revenues and disbursements, as well as the names of their directors, to the Canada Revenue Agency and the public. There are ways in which this mandated accountability to the public could be expanded. For example, a lively debate is happening in the nonprofit sector around ways to increase diversity on boards of charities, partly through mandated diversity data collection and disclosure, as a way to demonstrate accountability to a more diverse Canadian population. The federal government is considering recommendations for changes to the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, which might include similar disclosure requirements on diversity as currently apply to for-profit corporations in Canada. There have also been calls by the Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector and others to increase the mandated collection of information on charity investments in the annual charity reporting form (T3010). But Abokor is going further and suggesting that a mechanism is needed to ensure that “we’re doing the things we’re supposed to”. He wants transformation, not incrementalism.
I don’t dispute the need for more transparency, for a greater sense of urgency, for more inclusive and equitable philanthropy. The conversation about accountability must go beyond avoiding risk and managing charitable dollars prudently (even though our legal and regulatory requirements as charities push us in that direction). I am less sure that change in philanthropy can be forced top down or mandated externally. One of the great public benefits of thoughtful philanthropy is its ability to take leaps, to fund what is risky or has unknown outcomes, to provide models and learnings for social change. Government commissions aren’t known for their promotion of risk or transformational impact. Let’s agree on a broader and more inclusive accountability that encourages philanthropy to learn, to evolve, to do better, and to do so in relation with a more diverse community.
In August 2020, a very large number of readers had their attention caught by my blog on the seven sins of nonprofit governance. It seemed that many people were interested in how governance can go wrong. Almost two years later, as Annual Meeting time approaches again, and new boards are elected, I want to revisit a question posed in my original blog: Could volunteer boards of directors be the Achilles’s heel, the fatal vulnerability, of non-profit organizations?
Unfortunately, yes. My original list of the “seven sins” of nonprofit governance showed how boards can indeed jeopardize an organization’s sustainability if they don’t do their job properly. I focused on the need for independent oversight and solid risk management. Boards can and should be assisted by external auditors and risk management experts (including cybersecurity experts). They should also be careful to spell out and to adhere to conflict-of-interest policies to ensure that personal interests of directors are not playing a role in decision-making.
Yet, as I reflect on my experience as a nonprofit director and I think more about how boards can get it wrong, I realize that measures to guarantee independent and objective oversight must be complemented by intangible aspects of culture and leadership. If those are missing, a nonprofit board won’t be effective in helping an organization achieve its purposes. Clarity, transparency and trust are fundamentally important to well-functioning boards.
Here is my updated list of seven nonprofit governance sins, taking these intangibles into account.
Boards need to find the right balance in their roles. Boards are part of the governance structure, but they are not the whole of it. They are not the only shapers or custodians of an organization’s strategy, finances or reputation nor should they assume managerial roles. Directors bring their ideas, skills, and networks to the table. They should reach out, share ideas, stay connected to the context within which their organizations work. But they share governance, they don’t monopolize it. Many boards have a written statement of their roles and areas of responsibility including the legal and fiduciary and the strategic and generative. They are clear about how decisions are made and by whom. Without this, they risk disarray.
The board needs to evaluate itself regularly. This provides important information to board members about their own effectiveness and gives them an opportunity to contribute to improve the effectiveness of the board overall. Without a regularized (at least annual) board evaluation, boards can drift off course and will lose directors.
The Chair and Vice-Chair of the board and the chairs of committees are the leadership of the Board. They need clear statements and a shared understanding of their roles. On many volunteer boards, the question of who becomes Chair or who takes on a committee lead is often a matter of who has enough time and is willing to put up their hand. But this shouldn’t be a matter of personal availability only. The responsibilities and qualities of leadership need to be spelled out for all to know. A succession process understood by all helps directors to feel included in the leadership election process. Without full board support and trust, a leader will fail, and directors may leave the table.
This has been one of the biggest questions and most glaring weaknesses of nonprofit boards. Over the last two years, there has been much more focus on the issue of diversity in all its forms. Boards need to pay attention not just to recruitment and numbers, but to how to build more inclusive cultures and to promote conversations that bring different assumptions and experiences to enrich their conversations. Without attention to this, boards will not be able to respond effectively to the changes taking place in our society, and the new risks that rapid change will pose.
Volunteer boards too often do not take the time to orient and educate their directors. Volunteers can come from many different sectors and while they care about the mission and purpose of the organization whose board they join, they may not be familiar with the culture, responsibilities, and expectations of their board. This shouldn’t be acquired simply through osmosis. Many new directors without orientation feel left out while they try to understand their roles and the context of the organization they are volunteering for. Without a solid orientation and ongoing education, organizations and their boards lose valuable time and talent.
This is a two-way street. It comes down to trust and transparency. From the board’s perspective, directors must be able to ask questions, obtain information and have debates with the organization’s leader without being perceived as intrusive or controlling. But the board must be willing to set clear strategic direction and hold a CEO accountable. If boards do not set expectations around performance and accountability, they are not supporting the CEO.
A good working relationship with the CEO, as stated above, is essential. It starts with recruitment. This is one of the most important decisions that a volunteer board makes, and as such the process of recruitment should be well structured, well supported and well managed. Boards must take the time to think through the qualities and criteria necessary to their recruitment of a new leader. Once chosen, a CEO should have the support they need from the board to take up their roles. Without this, a board is setting up its organization for failure.
For further reflection, I recommend the excellent ongoing work on Reimagining Governance by the Ontario Nonprofit Network and Ignite NPS. They have continued to develop and test their thinking on governance. One of their new resources (which could spark an interesting conversation at the board table) is Impacts on Governance Design, which describe eleven trends affecting the nonprofit sector today and how they converge to create six impacts on governance design.